Startups Blog

The Startups Giving Pre-Owned Watches More Time!

The luxury watch market is steadily growing with no plateau in sight. Between now and 2027, it’s expected to grow by an impressive 2.69% CAGR. Therefore, it’s no wonder that many startups wish to take full advantage of the burgeoning niche. However, there’s a significant boom in second-hand luxury, too.

Venture Capital & Canadian Tech Startups: A Partnership for the Future

While many venture capitalists are keen to keep their interests within US borders, Canada seems ever more lucrative. It’s estimated that around 95,000 new companies launch across the Great White North every year. What’s more, there are many reasons why startups choose to base themselves in Canada - thanks to attractive subsidies. But what is it about the tech scene in Canada that’s proving so appealing to VCs worldwide?

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