Fundz Starter


$19 /mo. billed annually

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Real-time updates & Chrome extension alerts of companies matching your filters that just announced funding. With unlimited executive contacts, search results & updates.


Real-time updates of new executive hirings matching your filters w/ executive contacts



Real-time updates of companies matching your filters that just announced an acquisition




Real-time updates of companies matching your filters that filed for crowdfunding (U.S. only)




Discover & connect with just funded companies before they are in other databases



Funding filters by location, industry, round type, money raised & time period




Crowdfunding filters by location, offering type, target offering amount, deadline & time period




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Direct links to company websites
Direct links to company LinkedIn pages


Fundz PRO

    $29 /mo. billed annually

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All of Starter Plus:

AI powered, event context aware email generation

Salesforce & HubSpot CRM connectors for 1 seat

Unlimited Exports to CSV (up to 1k rows per export)

Team Management - Purchase other team member subscriptions under your account

Trends Dashboard


* Salesforce connector requires Professional Edition (or higher) or the Salesforce Developer Edition. 



Custom Pricing

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Customized Plans. Options include:
Data licensing for internal use
Data licensing for applications
API access
Bespoke integrations