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Introduction: What is a Startup Database?

The Best Startup Database for B2B Lead Generation and Sales Prospecting

The Best Startup Database for Job Seekers

The Best Startup Database for Company and Industry Research

The Best Startup Database for Competitive Insights

The Best Startup Database For Market Trend Analysis

The Best Startup Database For Tracking Private Equity, M&A and Venture Capital

Introduction: What is a Startup Database?


According to Wikipedia, startup companies are entrepreneurial ventures which are typically newly emerged, fast-growing businesses that aim to meet a marketplace need by developing viable business models around innovative products, services, processes or platforms. Various types of startup databases exist and in the end, it really boils down to what you need the startup database for. For example, some startup databases are the best for job seekers, while other are best for investment professionals. Then you have others that are great for B2B sales prospecting and of course some that are combinations of these.


The Best Startup Database for B2B Lead Generation and Sales Prospecting: Fundz

if you think about, some kind of internal or external trigger event is behind most all B2B purchases. Companies don't just purchase on a whim. While many internal trigger events can be hard to measure, such as the dissatisfaction with a current vendor, external trigger company events can be monitored. Examples include companies receiving new funding, mergers & acquisitions and hiring of new executives. Each of these examples often provide excellent opportunities for limited windows of time to prospective vendors.


Fundz is the only platform built from the ground up to help you best identify and capitalize on more opportunities at just the right time and ahead of your competitors - the beginning of the buying cycle.

Fundz' super efficient layout, integrated executive contacts and other helpful other features make it the best sales intelligence platform for this critical part of your outreach strategy. Fundz is also very competitively priced and you can get started for just $19/month. If you are looking to export the data to CSV and/or integrate with your CRM, check out Fundz Pro. For data licensing and Fundz for teams, book a demo of Fundz Enterprise.


Fundz sales trigger events



The Best Startup Database for Job Seekers: Angel


If you're looking for a job and haven't leveraged Angel, you're missing out. Angel often has nearly 100k startup jobs listed. Better yet, it lets you quickly apply to some of the best startups without middlemen. 

Cost: Free for Job Seekers

Conclusion: If you or a friend are looking for a job or you are you otherwise looking to network with some of the world's best startups, AngelList is the best startup database and its free to find a job.


The Best Startup Database for Company and Industry Research: Crunchbase


Crunchbase provides a comprehensive overview of companies, people and investors. They also let you create lists of any of these elements for tracking updates. You can also filter the database in many ways, but to do any in-depth searching you'll be required to upgrade to Crunchbase Pro.

Cost: Crunchbase is free for limited searching; Crunchbase Pro is billed annual upfront at $348/user year.

Conclusion: If you're looking for a comprehensive overview and tracking of specific companies, people and investors, Crunchbase is the best database, although the focus has shifted over time from purely a startups focus to now having a broader market approach, defining itself today as a platform for finding business information about private and public companies.


The Best Startup Database for Competitive Insights: Owler


Owler is a community-based competitive insights platform which does a great job of giving you a quick overview of a company but most importantly, telling you about its competitors. It also provides timely alerts on companies you want to keep track of. If want to quickly find out about a company's competitors, and get real-time alerts on company developments, Owler is a great site to leverage.

Cost: Owler is free

Conclusion: Free to use and a timely resource on companies and their competitors, Owler is the best startup database for quick competitive insights.


The Best Startup Database For Market Trend Analysis CB Insights


The CB Insights tech market intelligence platform analyzes millions of data points on venture capital, startups, patents, partnerships and news mentions. Leveraging machine learning, its certainly the most sophisticated startup and private company database you will find for advanced analysis.

Cost: Around $5k-$12k/mo., billed annually.

Conclusion: CB Insights is the best startup database for sophisticated institutional clients focused on deep market and competitor analysis.


The Best Startup Database For Tracking Private Equity, M&A and Venture Capital: Pitchbook


Founded about 10 years ago as a database that covered the venture capital and private equity market, Pitchbook is now 100% owned by Morningstar, bringing in a lot of public market data and information. A close competitor to CB insights in analyzing the VC private placement and M&A market, Pitchbook has a wider universe of coverage, whereas CB insights has more depth in the way of AI and machine learning for trend prediction.

Cost: Approximately $1500/mo., billed annually.

Conclusion: Pitchbook is the best database for investment professionals looking for broad coverage of the private and public sector markets.


Other Great Startup Databases

Gust - SaaS funding platform for the sourcing and management of early-stage investments.

PrivCo - Private company financial intelligence.

E27 - Asian Startup Database.

Startup Xplore - Spanish & European Startup Database. Related Content: Startup Database Live Funding Map