Startups Blog

Customer Connection: 8 Tactics For Small Business Success

Customer Connection 8 Tactics For Small Business SuccessSucceeding in business encompasses more than merely generating sales. To establish yourself as a standout in your industry, you must forge genuine connections with your customers. While technology facilitates this process to some extent, many elements of customer connection rely on traditional values. This holds particularly true for small businesses, where regular interaction with the same clientele is common.

Topics: Customer Support small business strategies

5 Ways Startups Can Secure Their Customers’ Data

Startups and the protection of customer dataStartups have one primary goalto grow and develop as much as possible. Unfortunately, this could result in completely ignoring other important aspects, such as cybersecurity. Not every startup has enough resources or staff to focus on this issue. Building a startup is hard work, and sometimes there are other priorities.

Topics: startups cybersecurity Customer Support

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