Startups Blog

Jennifer Rollins

Recent Posts by Jennifer Rollins:

The Future of Home Services: Using Technology to Spot Trends and Opportunities

The Future of Home Services: Using Technology to Spot Trends and Opportunities

The home service industry is vast and includes services like repairs, maintenance, installation, home improvement projects and home interiors and design. Even the review sites that help homeowners discover home service businesses account for some market share within this large industry. 

Topics: Technology AI business insights

10 Best Video Editing Services: Professional Results for Your Brand

Video Editing Offers Professional Results for Your Brand

In a highly competitive business environment, video editing can be a powerful arsenal for marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses. Video marketing isn’t only about creating persuasive content; video editing plays a crucial role in effective communication with the audience.

Topics: branding Development Digital marketing

Boosting App Revenue for Growth: Best Methods to Apply

Boosting App Revenue for Growth: Best Methods to Apply

Successful apps have the potential to generate substantial sums of money for developers. But how exactly does this work? Do app creators generate income solely from direct purchases? How do free apps sustain themselves? This guide is perfect for beginners interested in building mobile apps as their additional or main source of income. We include the most profitable ways to transform an application into a successful venture. 

Topics: startup software companies business insights Revenue Growth

The PCB Assembly and Fabrication Industries: Trends and Prospects

Most modern electronic devices consist of printed circuit boards (PCBs), and as technology advances, the production of PCBs improves. You can find PCBs in any device, from your smartphone to the sophisticated machinery in some industrial plants. 

Topics: Technology efficiency trends Manufacturing

Call Center Service Innovations That Are Changing Industries

Topics: Customer Support Technology AI business insights

Unlocking Business Success Via the Power of Compliance

Expert Ideas for Improving Business Compliance

Businesses are no longer confined to skyscrapers, and they certainly don’t need to be run by hundreds of people fit into tiny cubicles. If you have access to the internet and a mobile device, you can create a startup business right away! Gusto estimated a whopping 5 million startups were introduced to the world in 2022. 

Topics: startups Business management regulatory compliance

Shield AI Shines with Autonomous Drone Technology

The venture capital landscape for late-stage startups is certainly challenging, but there are still some startups that have been able to secure funding and are making progress in their respective fields.

Topics: Drones AI

10 Most Common Traits of Successful Startups & How to Cultivate Them

Every startup founder embarks on a unique journey, navigating a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Yet, while each startup's story is distinct, there exist universal markers on the path to success.

Startup Founders Who Turned Repeated Failures Into Success

In the world of startups, failure is often seen as a rite of passage. It’s not uncommon to hear the adage, "Fail fast, fail often." Yet, while many startups do fail, some entrepreneurs use these failures as stepping stones to eventual success. Here are some inspiring tales of startup founders who faced multiple setbacks before finally breaking through.

The Rise of Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Startups

In the past decade, the world has witnessed an unprecedented surge in the development of clean energy sources to address the growing concerns about climate change. Among these developments, an unexpected yet intriguing contender has emerged: the Small Modular Nuclear Reactor (SMR). Aided by a wave of new startups, SMRs have risen in the limelight as a promising answer to sustainable and reliable energy needs.

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