Startups Blog

Recently Funded Startups: Tech Funding Stats for January, 2019

In January, 2019 there were 325 new filings of funding rounds in the U.S. from companies that were classified as "technology", "other technology", "telecommunications" or "biotechnology". 

Some notable findings were:

  • In total, $2.51 billion was invested, excluding mergers & acquisitions.
  • $449 million, or 17.8% was invested in biotechnology; CA had $103 million of the $449, or 23%.
  • The average funding round in the U.S. was $7.7 million (USD).
  • The median funding round was $1.4 million.
  • California was the leading state with 66 funding rounds.
  • New York was 2nd with 25 funding rounds.
  • Massachusetts was third with 23 funding rounds.
  • Texas was fourth with 20 funding rounds.
  • Colorado was fifth 17 rounds.
  • While Texas had $137.8 million in tech & biotech investment - $125 million of that, or 91%, was in Austin.

Source: Fundz


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