Sales Intelligence Blog

Darren Wall

Darren Wall

Darren is the Senior Director of Marketing at Fundz.

Recent Posts by Darren Wall:

Modernize and Boost Your ROI Using Sales Intelligence

ROI, or return on investment, is the key to modern business growth. Over the decades, building on and measuring ROI has evolved massively. This is primarily thanks to the steady emergence of sales intelligence and advanced data analytics. That considered, how you can use sales intel tools to help boost ROI?

Sales Intelligence Psychology: How Your Customers See the World

Sales and psychology go together hand in hand. To pitch to the right people, you need to understand them. Therefore, to build the most effective sales intelligence data pools, you need to apply psychology when collating information together. With scalable sales intel, you can use psychology to ensure you always reach people who need you most.

Buyer Intent Data: Powering Sales Intelligence and Your Bottom Line

Buyer intent continues to be one of the most powerful data sets for B2B and B2C companies. It’s thought that the vast majority of businesses use such information in some way. However, how can you be sure that you’re using buyer intent to its full potential in sales intelligence? Fascinatingly, up to 40% of tech businesses partner with intent data specialists.

Sales Intelligence CRM: Time to Act?

Sales intelligence - by its very nature - involves the pulling and management of data on a grand scale. CRMs, or customer relationship management tools, are quickly becoming the leading bastions of support in this regard. In fact, did you know that 74% of business owners surveyed feel CRMs give them clearer access to client data? If you're starting with sales intel and are yet to set up a CRM, now might be the time to act.

The Four Levels of Sales Intelligence and How to Apply Them

Sales intelligence is, both in terms of market size and ideological adoption, growing year on year. For example, data shows that the market will grow by 10.5% CAGR up to 2027. However, how can you be sure that you are applying sales intel effectively? As it transpires, Jeb Blount discusses different types of intelligence in sales - four, in fact, that vary in style.

Sales Intelligence and Hybrid Work: A Guide For Managers

In light of global challenges since 2020, hybrid working has become the norm. Regarded by many as the 'future' of working, it's reported almost three-quarters of US businesses are considering the standard. But what exactly is hybrid working, and how might sales intelligence fit into this plan?

State of Sales Report: Global Trends in Sales Intelligence

2021 was a pivotal year in many ways for global sales - a ‘reboot’ of sorts for many industries. With this in mind, LinkedIn revealed their State of Sales Report for 2021 mid-way through the year. In this report, sales intelligence reveals more than a few interesting new trends. Let’s consider the main seven points raised.

7 Best Sales Prospecting Techniques You Should Know in 2022

Sales is one of the toughest jobs in the world, to say the least. Customers are becoming more aware in this digital era and hence it is hard to convince them to buy a product or service. Sales Prospecting Techniques are used to find prospects for your business and generate new opportunities so that you never go out of business.

Building the Ideal Customer Profile with Sales Intelligence

While your company may cater to many different people, it’s crucial to sharpen focus. Sales intelligence methodology focuses on a phenomenon called the ‘ideal customer profile’ or ICP - someone you will likely pitch to. But how easy is it to build your own unique ICP?

Implementing Linear Regression Analysis in Sales Intelligence

When it comes to sales intelligence techniques, linear regression analysis is among the most popular. This prediction method is used across a wide variety of industries - it is primarily the art of comparing variables. But, how can this method help to improve your sales forecasting for the years ahead?