To get copies of your billing receipts, just click "Account" from the left hand menu. On the next page, click "payment history". On the next page, you will have access to PDF billing receipts.
by Lindsey Conway, on Jul 11, 2023 10:20:44 AM
To get copies of your billing receipts, just click "Account" from the left hand menu. On the next page, click "payment history". On the next page, you will have access to PDF billing receipts.
by Melanie Miller, on Jul 11, 2023 10:20:15 AM
When logged in, just click on the "Account" tab on the left hand menu. On the next page, click the pencil icon on the credit card row to update your card information.
by Ariana Shannon, on Jul 11, 2023 10:19:38 AM
To cancel your Fundz Starter or Pro subscription, click 'Account' on the left hand navigation menu. Once you are on the Account page, click the pencil icon in the 'Active subscription' row. Next, on the following page you will see the cancel button, where you can proceed to cancel your account.