Venture Capital Blog

Booming Businesses. Where to invest in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of business, identifying lucrative investment opportunities is akin to navigating a bustling marketplace. With each passing year, trends emerge, industries evolve, and new avenues for growth emerge.

Topics: New Investors venture capital Healthcare AI investments E-Commerce Renewable Energy

Revolutionizing Medical Device Testing: Adsilico Secures £3.5 Million for AI-Powered Breakthrough

Adsilico, a groundbreaking venture from the University of Leeds, has secured a £3.5 million seed investment towards transforming medical device testing. This infusion of funds, comprising £2 million from Northern Gritstone and £1.5 million from Parkwalk Advisors, marks a pivotal moment for the startup. 

Topics: venture capital investments Medtech

Exploring the Decision to Sell Private Company Stock: Motivations and Market Dynamics

The world of private company stock is both complex and intriguing. For many individuals who find themselves in possession of such stock, deciding whether to hold or sell can be a significant decision. This article aims to shed light on why someone might choose to sell private company stock, how they likely acquired it, and the nature of the private company stock market.

Topics: New Investors investments company stock market dynamics