Contracts Blog

Blockchain Meets AI: The Dynamic Duo Revolutionizing Contract Management

Picture this: You're at a tech conference, and you overhear someone say, "We're combining blockchain and AI for our contract management." Your first thought might be, "Whoa, that's a lot of buzzwords in one sentence!" But hold onto your hats, folks, because this power couple is about to rock the world of contracts like never before!

Topics: Contracts AI Blockchain

Red Flags to Watch for: Common Contract Pitfalls for Startups

For startups, contracts are foundational tools that establish partnerships, secure funding, and govern daily operations. However, contracts that seem straightforward can contain hidden pitfalls that lead to disputes, hinder growth, or impose unnecessary costs. 

Topics: startups Contracts

Accenture Federal Services Wins $1.6 Billion Air Force Contract

Accenture Federal Services LLC (AFS), based in Arlington, Virginia, has secured a major contract with the U.S. Air Force valued at $1.6 billion. The contract was awarded on a firm-fixed-price, time-and-material task order basis under the General Services Administration (GSA) multiple award schedule and will focus on providing enterprise-scale cloud services and cloud software management.

Topics: Contracts Corporate news