Sales Intelligence Blog

Melanie Miller

Recent Posts by Melanie Miller:

A Guide to Enhancing Sales Intelligence with Rich Company Data

With many new and fresh entrepreneurs with great startup ideas, it is easier to succeed in the market with the correct tools at hand. One of the most important tools they can use for their benefit and business growth is a company database for insights, which will hold all the rich company data they collect and purchase. 

Topics: sales intelligence data business insights

The Rising Importance of Sales Trigger Events and AI

In today's digital landscape, traditional sales strategies can no longer sustain businesses' competitive edge. The sales paradigm has evolved significantly, with data and artificial intelligence (AI) taking the reins. Among the game-changing concepts, Sales Trigger Events and AI integration have emerged as pivotal elements in formulating effective sales strategies. Here's an in-depth look at their increasing importance, backed by compelling facts and trends.

Topics: sales intelligence sales trigger events