Over 600,000 new businesses start each year in the United States. Not all succeed and not all fail; some rise to fame and fortune, and others tick along quietly. Since 2006 Startup of the year has been bringing together and showcasing early-stage businesses for the world to see. A large percentage of those presented are US companies and entrepreneurs, all hoping to win.
The importance of StartUp of the year
All new businesses need as much help as possible; the Startup the Year competition provides this. In creating a powerful platform that brings a diversity of entrepreneurs, emerging small companies, and key players together, startups are pushed to the next level.
Narrowed down to just 100-businesses, the event aims to help the absolute best new ventures or ideas succeed. All other new entrants into the business world can benefit from the wealth of knowledge shared from the event.
The cream of the new business crop
Over the years, there have been many winners in the startup competition, including HIS Energy (2014), Shearshare (2017), and Re:3D last year. Running parallel with the main competition is the US Veteran Startup of the Year competition. This remarkable competition honors US veterans and their families who have started businesses. Offering a special non-dilutive cash prize of $10,000, this part of the competition is hugely contested.
Did you know, Veterans own 1-in-10 US new businesses and produce more than $1 trillion in sales every year.
Last Year’s Winner
Since 2006 there have been some impressive winners of this prestigious competition. Last year RE:3D were the winners, and they have a solitary goal that will deliver huge savings.
RE:3D was established in 2013 with the ambition to reduce the cost of 3D printing. Raising just $40k, this focused initiative brings many benefits and cost-saving to a new era of manufacturing companies. Celebrated for its female founders in its team, notably Katherine Jeremko, Lara Jeremko, and Samantha Snabes, RE:3D is a company to keep an eye on.
Winning by a hair’s breadth
In 2017 ShearShare won the competition with an innovative solution that creates a place to work for hairstylists and barbers. A truly ingenious concept that matches empty salon space with available hairdressers changed the lives of many individuals.
Founded in 2015 by Courtney Caldwell, Dr. Tye Caldwell ShearShare is the epitome of using technology to solve a very simple and real problem. To date, the company has raised $3.9 million through 7 investors. The company is thriving and looks set to continue to grow.
How to find winning investment opportunities?
Finding companies that can win prestigious competitions such as Startup of the year can be challenging. Startups that win such competitions generally reward investors with superb returns.
While there is no crystal ball to find a winner, using a comprehensive database such as Fundz is a great start. Using this powerful and accurate resource, investors and third parties can find something of interest or even new opportunities.