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Remote Startups & the Remote Workforce: Predictions for 2021

2020 for many personal, global, and business reasons, has been a year to forget. Both local and international economies have been hit hard, and workers have had to become productive from home or risk their health. However, it’s common knowledge that adversity breeds innovation, and other than for COVID-19, this year could be remembered as the year of remote startups and the remote workforce. But what about 2021? What can we predict?

remote work startups

Remote Working What Could 2021 Bring

The most significant change that has come from the chaos in terms of work has been the remote office. With the chaos seemingly far from over, it’s looking like in 2021, it will remain part of life, and so does remote working. What could that mean for innovators and remote startups in the New Year?

5 New Year Predictions for remote working innovation in 2021

  • · Improved and more humanly expressive video calling
  • · Greater focus on remote staff wellbeing using technology
  • · Growth in AI technology to automate conventional human tasks
  • · Increase in remote employee training and upskilling
  • · Greater use of Virtual Reality in differing areas of business

Remote Working = Opportunity

With remote working all focusing on productivity and the human condition, innovators are already rising to the challenge. At first remote working caused by a pandemic posed many challenges and these challenges are merely opportunities for some. Remote working is creating a tremendous platform for a variety of new companies with bright ideas about improving the new normal we now have.

Those companies should also consider providing equipment for remote workers to enhance productivity and comfort in their home office setups.

Remote Managed Remote Workers

One of the challenges facing many companies with remote workers in managing the many HR requirements. Founded in 2019, Remote takes care of all the HR and employee requirements specifically for a distributed workforce.

The HR and Payroll sector is very competitive, and founders job van der Voort and Marcelo Lebre raised $64 million to make a big splash in what has become a full pool. It is clear the automation of HR-related tasks and self-service makes managing remote workers more efficient.

Virtual. Reality

As social distancing and other measures kick in both for the workplace and life, so Virtual Reality is growing in demand. Founded very recently in December 2020, ForeVR has secured $1.5 million to help bring high-quality virtual reality to the mass market.

Founded by Marcus Segal and Michael Pagano Doom, the company has become aware of social conditions that have a ripple effect beyond the remote workplace. This brand new company is a prime example of how even a pandemic can give rise to a phenomenal business idea.

Where Startups Thrive

It is clear that even global turmoil cannot slow the growth in startups. The numbers of new small and innovative companies are on the rise, and finding  Fundz is a unique and powerful database of funded startups that can help you identify leaders in either how they approach remote work, or in how their technology is helping other companies success in transitioning to a more remote workforce.




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