Contracts Blog

ICF Awarded $24 Million Contract by Government of Puerto Rico

ICF, a global consulting and technology services provider, has been awarded a multiple-award, recompete contract by the Government of Puerto Rico's Public Private Partnership Authority (P3). The contract, administered by the Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency (COR3), is valued at $24 million and has a term of three years, including a one-year base and two one-year options.




The contract has been expanded to include hazard mitigation program services, for which ICF will provide program administration and technical assistance support to assist COR3 in dispersing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds. ICF will utilize integrated remote sensing with artificial intelligence for efficient damage documentation, digitized data collection for quicker, more accurate data analysis, and ICF's cloud-based, end-to-end grant management solution disasTRAX for centralized project management and reporting.

"Puerto Ricans have suffered through multiple natural disasters which have devastated their homes, crippled the island's infrastructure, and caused major disruption to their livelihoods," said Anne Choate, ICF executive vice president for energy, environment and infrastructure. "ICF has worked with COR3 since 2018 on nearly 13,000 projects obligating over $31 billion in FEMA funding. Our Puerto Rican-led teams are committed to rebuilding Puerto Rico in a way that protects the island and its residents from the impacts of future disasters." The local team consists of over 90% local P3 staff, including engineers, architects, economists, and other professionals.