Startups Blog

The Rise of Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Startups

Written by Jennifer Rollins | Sep 14, 2023 2:19:57 PM

In the past decade, the world has witnessed an unprecedented surge in the development of clean energy sources to address the growing concerns about climate change. Among these developments, an unexpected yet intriguing contender has emerged: the Small Modular Nuclear Reactor (SMR). Aided by a wave of new startups, SMRs have risen in the limelight as a promising answer to sustainable and reliable energy needs.


What are Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs)?

SMRs are a type of nuclear fission reactor that is smaller in size compared to traditional large-scale reactors. They are designed to be manufactured at a central facility and then transported to their designated sites for assembly. Their modularity means that additional units can be added as needed. This stands in contrast to the massive, custom-built structures we associate with the traditional nuclear power plants.

Advantages of SMRs

  1. Flexibility: SMRs can be deployed in remote locations, suitable for countries with less developed grid infrastructures or for powering isolated industrial sites.

  2. Scalability: Being modular, these reactors can be easily scaled up by simply adding more units.

  3. Safety: Due to their size and modern design, many SMRs employ passive safety systems, making them less reliant on external power and human intervention in emergency scenarios.

  4. Cost: The potential for assembly-line production could reduce costs. Additionally, the smaller initial investment makes it financially accessible for many players.

Startups Leading the Charge

Several startups have been pivotal in advancing SMR technology and its adoption.

  • NuScale Power: Based in the U.S., NuScale's design is one of the front-runners in the SMR race. Their technology received the first-ever design approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 2020.

  • Terrestrial Energy: This Canadian startup is developing an Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) design, which offers potential benefits like improved safety and reduced waste.

  • ThorCon: Focusing on molten salt reactor technology, ThorCon's design is intended to be ship-fabricated, reducing construction costs.

Government and Regulatory Support

Aiding the rise of these startups has been increasing governmental interest and support. In the U.S., for example, the Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded millions in funds to support the development and licensing of SMR technologies. The UK, Canada, and several other countries have also launched initiatives to fast-track the development of SMRs.

Challenges Ahead

While the potential of SMRs is undeniable, the road to widespread adoption is laden with challenges:

  1. Licensing and Regulation: Every new design requires regulatory approval, which can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

  2. Public Perception: The nuclear industry has been plagued by concerns regarding safety, waste disposal, and weapon proliferation. Changing public sentiment is crucial.

  3. Competition: Renewables like solar and wind are becoming cheaper and more widespread. SMRs need to be cost-competitive to secure their place in the energy mix.

  4. Innovation: To remain relevant, continuous innovation in safety, efficiency, and waste management is paramount.

The rise of SMR startups marks an exciting shift in the energy landscape. These reactors promise a blend of flexibility, safety, and cost-efficiency, all while producing minimal greenhouse gas emissions. With robust regulatory frameworks and continued investment in R&D, SMRs could play a pivotal role in the global energy transition and help secure a sustainable energy future.