
Digital Asset Liquidity Innovator Tritum Raises Seed Round

Digital Asset Liquidity Innovator Tritum Raises Seed Round

05/31/22, 10:00 AM
Round Type
(via Blockchain Wire) Tritum Inc, is pleased to reveal closing its $1.1M seed round financing in early 2022, by a consortium of investors including Blue Node Capital, Nabais Capital, and Loopring, the Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution project, and a number of private investors. Tritum, now a team of more than 10 individuals, was founded by a group of global leaders of electronic market making and exchanges with decades of accumulated experience including Nasdaq, TMX, banks, and HFTs, bringing their talent and experience to building high performance, top performing solutions for digital asset markets.Tritum’s current operating businesses are Blocktane, a global crypto exchange with a substantial presence including fiat onramps in Brazil, and Vesi, a high frequency proprietary trader and liquidity provider.

Company Info

toronto, ontario, canada
Additional Info
Tritum, now a team of more than 10 individuals, was founded by a group of global leaders of electronic market making and exchanges with decades of accumulated experience including Nasdaq, TMX, banks, and HFTs, bringing their talent and experience to building high performance, top performing solutions for digital asset markets. Tritum Inc, is pleased to reveal closing its $1.1M seed round financing in early 2022, by a consortium of investors including Blue Node Capital, Nabais Capital, and Loopring, the Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution project, and a number of private investors.