Trailhead Biosystems Raises $6.6 Million in Series A Financing
11/10/20, 2:44 PM
Money raised
$6 million
Round Type
series a
Trailhead Biosystems Inc. ( - a biotechnology company pioneering the application of machine-enabled science towards understanding and controlling biology - announced its $6.6 million Series A financing. The company has developed a proprietary platform to perform systems-level interrogation of complex biological problems, ranging from the generation of industrially-scalable manufacturing conditions for specialized human cells to combinatorial drug discovery in cancer and anti-viral therapies. Trailhead robotically conducts the largest dimensioned experiments in biology, using machine learning to discover critical process parameters and combinatorial inputs that explain biological responses. Trailhead's groundbreaking methods depart radically from the limited explorative power of standard hypothesis-driven research.
Company Info
Trailhead Biosystems
cleveland, ohio, united states
Additional Info
: Trailhead Biosystems is pioneering the development of cell-based therapeutics using machine learning and bioinformatics. Trailhead's High Dimensional Design of Experiments (HD-DoE) platform merges developmental biology and cell therapeutics with advanced robotics, computerized experimental design, and analysis to perform process-specific parameter optimization in the development of cell therapies.