
Richard King Mellon Invests In Black Founded Ed-Tech Startup Toyz Electronics

Richard King Mellon Invests In Black Founded Ed-Tech Startup Toyz Electronics

02/07/22, 10:40 AM
RK Mellon Foundation makes a project-related investment in a Black father-son-led company that aims to increase diversity in STEAM fields so disadvantaged populations are included in the future of work. Damola and Wole Idowu - engineers, creatives, educators, and entrepreneurs - founded Toyz Electronics at Carnegie Mellon University's Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Company Info

Toyz Electronics
pittsburgh, pennsylvania, united states
Additional Info
Since 2020, Toyz Electronics has been involved in various activities and challenges. The company was a semi-finalist for the BNY Mellon and Innovations Works social innovation challenge, Upprize. It was also an MIT Solve finalist for Antiracist Technology and in the MIT Solve Incubator for Unbundling Policing. With the assistance of a faculty advisor and Executive Director of the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University Drew Davidson, Toyz completed National Science Foundation I-Corps research. Toyz was also involved in the Startup Boost Pittsburg Spring 2021 Cohort and recognized as an X4-Impact Top-Ranked Impact Tech Solutions for Black Leadership in 2021. Toyz Electronics has impacted more than 2,000 students, using its Dah-Varsity App, Superhero Rap concept, and TOYZSTEAM curriculum to empower diverse and disadvantaged students to maximize their superhero capabilities careers in the technical, creative, maker-related industries and entrepreneurship.https://www.rkmf.org/pages/toyz-electronicshttps://toyzelectronics.com/