Whitman Transition Advisors Invests In Tax Titans: A Game-Changing Move In The Tax Preparation Industry
Whitman Transition Advisors Invests In Tax Titans: A Game-Changing Move In The Tax Preparation Industry
08/30/23, 11:08 AM
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Whitman Transition Advisors, a leading advisory organization for CPA firms, has announced its strategic investment in Tax Titans. The CEO, Phil Whitman, has also joined the Board of Directors.
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greenville, texas, united states
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Season 6 Contestant on The Blox Reality Show. RevTech Labs alumni, Bunk Labs ViR. Tax Titan's, veteran owned company, provides a platform for small businesses to receive bids/quotes from qualified and vetted tax professionals. This platform will allows tax professionals to market their services to 32 million small businesses across the USA and receive 90% of their billing without upfront costs or referral fees.