Roosevelt & Cross Closes $759,115,000 Dormitory Authority Of The State Of New York School Districts Revenue Bond Financing Program Series 2022A And 2022B
Roosevelt & Cross Closes $759,115,000 Dormitory Authority Of The State Of New York School Districts Revenue Bond Financing Program Series 2022A And 2022B
06/15/22, 5:00 PM
Money raised
$759 million
Roosevelt & Cross acted as the senior book-running manager for a $759,115,000 bond issue for the Dormitory Authority’s School Districts Revenue Bond Financing Program that priced in May 2022. Two series of bonds were issued on behalf of 66 New York school districts to finance infrastructure improvements to facilities and equipment throughout the state. This year’s DASNY financing marks the 20th anniversary of the program, and the largest issuance since its inception.
Company Info
Additional Info
Roosevelt & Cross Incorporated is a registered broker-dealer that specializes in tax-exempt and taxable municipal debt. The firm is entirely employee owned and directed, and 100% of the firm’s capital is committed to municipal securities. As a top-ranking municipal bond underwriter in New York, New Jersey, and New England, Roosevelt & Cross offers strong distribution capabilities across major and mid-size institutional accounts, professionally managed retail accounts, and high net worth individual accounts. The firm’s investment banking and credit analysis capabilities are on par with the best in the industry. Roosevelt & Cross is consistently ranked the #1 underwriter of education bonds in New York State. Based in New York City, the company has branch offices in Buffalo, Boston, West Hartford, CT, East Greenwich, RI and Warren, NJ.
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