
I Schema View announced it raised $75 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $75 Million

I Schema View announced it raised $75 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $75 Million

08/02/23, 10:03 AM
https://purecatamphetamine.github.io/country-flag-icons/3x2/US.svgmenlo park
Money raised
$75 million
health care

Company Info

Rapid Ai
menlo park, california, united states
Additional Info
RapidAI and Rapid are registered trademarks of iSchemaView, Inc. RapidAI is the global leader in using AI to combat life-threatening vascular and neurovascular conditions. Leading the next evolution of clinical decision-making and patient workflow, RapidAI is empowering physicians to make faster decisions for better patient outcomes. Based on intelligence gained from over 10 million scans in more than 2,000 hospitals in over 100 countries, the Rapid® platform transforms care coordination, offering care teams a level of patient visibility never before possible. RapidAI — where AI meets patient care.

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