Product Security-As-Code Pioneer Emerges From Stealth – Raises $38.5 Million Seed Funding, Launches Public Beta And Adds Prominent Advisor
Product Security-As-Code Pioneer Emerges From Stealth – Raises $38.5 Million Seed Funding, Launches Public Beta And Adds Prominent Advisor
06/15/22, 10:00 AM
tel aviv
Money raised
$38.5 million
Round Type
Jit, simplifying product security for developers, today announced a $38.5 million seed funding round and launched a free beta version which automates product security – translating complex security plans from written documents and spreadsheets into living security plans-as-code stored in GitHub – enabling modern engineering teams to own product security as part of their DevOps pipeline.
Company Info
tel aviv, tel aviv district, israel
Additional Info
The company came out of FXP, a new Boston-Israel startup venture studio. The company also announced that Abby Kearns, a technology executive with deep experience in cloud native and open source technologies, has joined the company’s advisory board.