
Product Security-As-Code Pioneer Emerges From Stealth – Raises $38.5 Million Seed Funding, Launches Public Beta And Adds Prominent Advisor

Product Security-As-Code Pioneer Emerges From Stealth – Raises $38.5 Million Seed Funding, Launches Public Beta And Adds Prominent Advisor

06/15/22, 10:00 AM
https://purecatamphetamine.github.io/country-flag-icons/3x2/IL.svgtel aviv
Money raised
$38.5 million
Round Type
Jit, simplifying product security for developers, today announced a $38.5 million seed funding round and launched a free beta version which automates product security – translating complex security plans from written documents and spreadsheets into living security plans-as-code stored in GitHub – enabling modern engineering teams to own product security as part of their DevOps pipeline.

Company Info

Product Security As Code Pioneer
tel aviv, tel aviv district, israel
Additional Info
The company came out of FXP, a new Boston-Israel startup venture studio. The company also announced that Abby Kearns, a technology executive with deep experience in cloud native and open source technologies, has joined the company’s advisory board.