
Oxford-Based Laundry Tech Startup Oxwash Raises £2M From Twitter’S Biz Stone

Oxford-Based Laundry Tech Startup Oxwash Raises £2M From Twitter’S Biz Stone

06/21/21, 11:14 AM
Money raised
€2 million
Round Type
The global laundry usage releases a whopping 14,000 tonnes of microfibres into the oceans each year. Also, it has been estimated that one-third of all plastic found in the ocean are microfibres from clothes. The global “green cleaning” market is all set to reach $11.6 billion (nearly £8.4 million) by 2029. With this increasing trend, several laundry tech startups are taking the sustainable path to save the environment.

Company Info

oxford, mississippi, united states
Additional Info
The responsible laundry firm now has more than 8000 individual customers, alongside clients such as the Marriott Hotel Group, Hurr Collective and the NHS. Oxwash is using revolutionary technology that can be utilised to prevent viral transmission on textiles during this period and give people reassurance about their safety and those of their loved ones.” added investor and co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone. Founded in 2018 by Dr Kyle Grant and Tom de Wilson, Oxwash uses water-saving ozone technology to sterilize fabrics at lower temperatures, thermal and biodegradable chemical processes. It is powered by ‘Vanish’ partnership means Oxwash uses the new Vanish sustainable formula – Vanish 0% – in its cutting edge washing facilities to help give old clothes a new lease of life, thereby preventing tonnes of clothes from ending up in landfills. Oxford-based Oxwash is a laundry tech startup, which uses technology to prevent viral transmission on textiles during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oxwash will turn the traditional laundry sector on its head, proving yet again that purposeful business is great business.”“Oxwash is one of the most exciting businesses I’ve come across.