
NextFlex Leads Recipients of $5M in Naval Research Funding for Workforce Education Program Expansion

NextFlex Leads Recipients of $5M in Naval Research Funding for Workforce Education Program Expansion

05/19/20, 1:03 PM
https://purecatamphetamine.github.io/country-flag-icons/3x2/US.svgsan jose
Money raised
$5 million
NextFlex®, America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, announced today the expansion of its manufacturing workforce education activities with $5 million in funding from the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Through the Manufacturing Engineering Education Program (MEEP), the $5 million will support the development of eight new education programs modeled on NextFlex’s award-winning, FHE-focused FlexFactor® program. Each new program will focus on a different technology area, such as advanced robotics, biopharmaceuticals and tissue biofabrication. Most programs will target K-12 students, with one program focused on 4-year university students.

Company Info

san jose, california, united states
Additional Info
NextFlex is a consortium of companies, academic institutions, non-profits and state, local and federal government partners with the shared goal of advancing the manufacture of flexible hybrid electronics in the U.S. Since its formation in 2015, the NextFlex community of technologists, educators, problem solvers and manufacturers have come together to collectively facilitate innovation, narrow the manufacturing workforce gap and promote sustainable manufacturing ecosystems. NextFlex is one of eight Manufacturing Innovation Institutes established by the DoD Manufacturing Technology Program as public-private partnerships and funded through the AFRL Cooperative Agreement FA8650-15-2-5401. For more information, visit www.nextflex.us and follow NextFlex on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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