
Medimaps Group Raises $20 Million To Expand And To Commercialize Ai Product Portfolio For Bone Health Assessment Utilizing Routine Medical Images

Medimaps Group Raises $20 Million To Expand And To Commercialize Ai Product Portfolio For Bone Health Assessment Utilizing Routine Medical Images

12/01/21, 6:12 PM
Money raised
$20 million
data and analytics
health care
MEDIMAPS GROUP, (www.medimapsgroup.com), a Swiss/Global med-tech company specializing in image processing software for the assessment of bone health, announced today that it has secured $20 million in an institutional investment round led by Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank, alongside Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund, Swisscom Ventures, and Verve Ventures. The funds raised will be used to expand its product portfolio with the development and market launch of its patented A.I. applications for bone health assessment in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The company’s current flagship product, Trabecular Bone Score (TBS iNsight), has received medical reimbursement in the U.S

Company Info

Medimaps Group
geneva, alabama, united states
Additional Info
Medimaps Group’s medical imaging software applications based on patented multi-purpose technology with artificial intelligence capabilities provide healthcare solutions that fit seamlessly into the workflow for the benefit of the patient. TBS iNsight™ (Osteo) has been used for years in clinical practice worldwide in the field of osteoporosis. It has become the new gold standard for bone texture assessment in routine clinical practice. TBS has gained international recognition with more than 800 peer reviewed scientific publications and is included in many guidelines and used by more than 30,000 physicians worldwide including leading healthcare institutions. --- (1) Johnell, O. and J.A. Kanis, An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporos Int, 2006. 17(12): p. 1726-33. (2) https://www.bonehealthpolicyinstitute.org/bone-facts (3) https://www.osteoporosis.foundation/news/fragility-fractures-cost-european-health-care-systems-eu569-billion-annually-20210607-2118 (4) Delmas, P.D., et al., Underdiagnosis of vertebral fractures is a worldwide problem: the IMPACT study. J Bone Miner Res, 2005. 20(4): p. 557-63 (5) Siris et al. (2004). Bone Mineral Density Thresholds for Pharmacological Intervention to Prevent Fractures. Arch InternMed.; 164(10):1108-1112. doi:10.1001/archinte.164.10.1108 (6) Adapted from Table 3 in Hans et al. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Nov; 26(11):2762-9. Didier Hans et al. (2014). Bonemicroarchitecture assessed by TBS predicts osteoporotic fractures independent of bone density: the Manitoba study, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.499