Retirement Planning Fintech Start-Up Income Lab Completes $1.7 Million Seed Financing Round
09/08/21, 6:30 PM
Money raised
$1.7 million
Round Type
Income Laboratory, Inc. (Income Lab), the investment industry's first provider of dynamic retirement planning software, has completed a seed financing round, raising $1.7 million from industry executives and investors, including Dave Agostine, a former managing director for BlackRock and former CEO of Cachematrix; Tom Florence, a managing director at Hamilton Lane and former CEO of 361 Capital; and Robert Pinkerton, CFO at Conga and an Income Lab board member.
Company Info
denver, colorado, united states
Additional Info
Income Lab is the first provider of truly dynamic retirement planning software for investment advisors. Established in 2018, Income Lab's mission is to revolutionize retirement planning with advanced research, deeper insights, and real-time monitoring and management to help people have enough money during retirement. For more information visit