
Founders Of Heal Raise $3.8 Million For New Health Tech Start-Up: Heyrenee

Founders Of Heal Raise $3.8 Million For New Health Tech Start-Up: Heyrenee

08/05/21, 12:11 PM
https://purecatamphetamine.github.io/country-flag-icons/3x2/US.svglos angeles
Money raised
$3.8 million
Round Type
HeyRenee, Your Personal Care ConciergeTM, is the latest innovation from Dr. Renee Dua and Nick Desai, co-founders of Heal who spent seven years building the award-winning home-centric primary care company. Launching in early 2022, HeyRenee's focus is a uniquely patient-centric digital health platform designed to make better healthcare a reality for all Americans, especially the elderly, underserved, and those managing chronic conditions. Unlike previous approaches to synchronize patient care, HeyRenee is the first-ever open platform that will eventually work with every provider, partner, and point solution to curate the perfect combination of services for each patient's specific needs.

Company Info

los angeles, california, united states