Founders Of Heal Raise $3.8 Million For New Health Tech Start-Up: Heyrenee
08/05/21, 12:11 PM
Money raised
$3.8 million
Round Type
HeyRenee, Your Personal Care ConciergeTM, is the latest innovation from Dr. Renee Dua and Nick Desai, co-founders of Heal who spent seven years building the award-winning home-centric primary care company. Launching in early 2022, HeyRenee's focus is a uniquely patient-centric digital health platform designed to make better healthcare a reality for all Americans, especially the elderly, underserved, and those managing chronic conditions. Unlike previous approaches to synchronize patient care, HeyRenee is the first-ever open platform that will eventually work with every provider, partner, and point solution to curate the perfect combination of services for each patient's specific needs.