
Excerp Raises $5 Million To Launch Its Online Media Platform

Excerp Raises $5 Million To Launch Its Online Media Platform

12/13/21, 11:02 AM
Money raised
$5 million
London-based Excerp is building a new platform to shake up the world of online written content. Online media platforms have created thriving ecosystems for content creators and have transformed how content is consumed. However, most successful media platforms focus on video and visual content, while online written content, such as blogs, has been left behind. Excerp's platform will offer an intuitive, organized and engaging home for online written content, helping creators to grow and monetize their audiences.

Company Info

london, ontario, canada
Additional Info
Excerp is building a digital media platform that will change the way content is produced and consumed online. Excerp was founded in December 2020. The company is headquartered in London and has over 20 employees. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1708495/Excerp_Founders.jpg SOURCE Excerp