With New Tech And $3.6M Seed, Divigas Aims To Clean Up Hydrogen Production
11/17/21, 6:32 PM
Money raised
$3.6 million
Round Type
Hydrogen is at the center of many industrial processes and potentially part of major future energy ecosystems, but the process of isolating and storing it is wasteful and expensive. DiviGas, armed with a $3.6M seed round, hopes to clean up the hydrogen production industry with a new tech that leapfrogs existing methods, potentially supercharging this piece of the new green economy.
Company Info
Additional Info
The company claims to have engineered a new “hollow fiber polymeric membrane” at the angstrom scale, which is to say one tenth of a nanometer. Once the company is able to build them at a rate of around one a week, they can do larger demonstrations and small installations that will secure serious orders — and those proceeds will go towards building out out the full-scale manufacturing process.