
DF&I Announces Strategic Growth Investment in Response to Growing Demand for High-Capacity Connectivity Solutions

DF&I Announces Strategic Growth Investment in Response to Growing Demand for High-Capacity Connectivity Solutions

06/16/20, 12:24 PM
 Dark Fiber & Infrastructure, LLC ("DF&I" or the "Company") today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to receive a majority investment from IPI Partners, LLC ("IPI"). IPI's investment will be used to accelerate the growth of DF&I's footprint and operations, including developing high-capacity dark fiber and conduit networks in Northern Virginia and extending customer access to DF&I's unique Potomac River Crossing. Extending this reach provides customers with a diverse, all underground, lowest-latency option to connect Northern Virginia's "Data Center Alley" to a major Northeast U.S. telecom corridor

Company Info

ashburn, virginia, united states
Additional Info
Dark Fiber and Infrastructure, LLC ("DF&I") is a pure play wholesale provider of dark fiber and conduit networks to carriers and enterprise customers and is a registered CLEC in multiple markets. The company was founded in 2017 and focuses on facilitating hyperscale access to key peering markets in the U.S. For more information, please visit www.fiberandconduit.com.

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