Critical Response Group announced it raised $2.75 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $5 Million
Critical Response Group announced it raised $2.75 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $5 Million
09/08/22, 9:06 PM
Money raised
$2.75 million
Round Type
Company Info
300 american metro blvd suite 230
hamilton, new jersey, united states
Additional Info
Critical Response Group was formed with one purpose: to make the public safer through leveraging the hard-fought lessons learned by the United States Military Special Operations community during the global war on terror.
We accomplish this primarily through the development of Collaborative Response Graphics– visual representations of text-based emergency response plans that transform difficult to use written plans into highly-usable, geospatially accurate SMART visual planning and response tools.
Critical Response Group facilitates tabletop and full scale exercises that put your Collaborative Response Graphics and emergency plans to the test.