
Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® for Scientific Communications Increases Awareness of Available Open Access Publication Funding Upon Manuscript Submission

Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® for Scientific Communications Increases Awareness of Available Open Access Publication Funding Upon Manuscript Submission

01/27/21, 2:29 PM
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces new functionality in RightsLink® for Scientific Communications (RLSC), its market-leading, comprehensive scholarly communications workflow solution. RLSC now can inform authors of available Open Access (OA) publication funding throughout the manuscript lifecycle, starting with submission.

Company Info

Copyright Clearance Center
danvers, massachusetts, united states
Additional Info
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) builds unique solutions that connect content and rights in contextually relevant ways through software and professional services. CCC helps people navigate vast amounts of data to discover actionable insights, enabling them to innovate and make informed decisions. CCC, with its subsidiary RightsDirect, collaborates with customers to advance how data and information are integrated, accessed, and shared while setting the standard for effective copyright solutions that accelerate knowledge and power innovation. CCC is headquartered in Danvers, Mass. with offices across North America, Europe and Asia. To learn more about CCC, visit www.copyright.com.

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