Cairn Surgical, Inc. announced it raised $3.29 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $5.79 Million
Cairn Surgical, Inc. announced it raised $3.29 Million in an initial filing from an offering of $5.79 Million
12/17/19, 8:49 PM
Money raised
$3.29 million
Round Type
Company Info
16 cavendish court
lebanon, new hampshire, united states
Additional Info
CairnSurgical, Inc. is a clinical stage medical device company developing patient-specific surgical guides using patient imaging data and state-of-the-art 3D printing technologies. CairnSurgical’s Breast Cancer Locator System enables precise tumor localization and excision, and has been tested in both single-arm and randomized clinical trials.
The Breast Cancer Locator is considered an investigational device in the U.S. and is limited by U.S. law to investigational use only. It is not approved for sale in any region.