Biotricity Completes $12 Million Non-Dilutive Debt Financing
12/27/21, 8:00 AM
Money raised
$12 million
Biotricity Inc. (NASDAQ:BTCY) a modern medical technology company delivering innovative, remote biometric monitoring solutions, today announced the successful completion of a $12 million non-convertible debt financing.
Company Info
redwood city, california, united states
Additional Info
Biotricity is reforming the healthcare market by bridging the gap in remote monitoring and chronic care management. Doctors and patients trust Biotricity's unparalleled standard for preventive & personal care, including diagnostic and post-diagnostic solutions for chronic conditions. The company develops comprehensive remote health monitoring solutions for the medical and consumer markets. To learn more, visit
Bioheart does not diagnose, treat, or repair heart disease. Bioheart is not intended to be a diagnostic tool, or for clinical use, or clinical interpretation, and is meant to be a lifestyle and wellness solution for individuals. If users of the Bioheart are concerned about the data obtained from the device, they should consult a medical professional directly for further advice. Biotricity disclaims any representation made, whether explicitly or implicitly, which would suggest the accuracy of the data obtained is suitable for clinical interpretation.
Bioheart as described herein, and subsequent versions, may or may not be the same as advertised and may or may not differ in features and functionality. Any statements made herein in relation to Bioheart, its features, functionality are based on design and concepts that the company believe are achievable, but the functionality may be different.
Bioheart name, logo, and tag lines are trademarks of Biotricity Inc. US and International Patents Pending. Bioheart does not require a prescription.