
Beem, An App That Lets You Live-Stream Yourself In Ar, Raises $4 Million

Beem, An App That Lets You Live-Stream Yourself In Ar, Raises $4 Million

02/17/22, 4:28 PM
Money raised
$4 million
Round Type
What’s the next step beyond Zoom calls and FaceTime? How about beaming yourself from one device to another in real-time using augmented reality? That’s the premise behind a startup called Beem, which is today announcing its first consumer app, $4 million in seed funding, and its longer-term plan to become a communications technology for the AR glasses of the future.

Company Info

Additional Info
This experience allowed Beem to stay afloat while testing and furthering its technology, but the company never intended to be a development studio, says Amstutz — it wanted to deliver a consumer experience. Beem now has a cadence of about 500 messages per day and has seen about 14.2 million views of “beems” over the past six weeks, the company says. After its official founding in 2017, Beem (previously HoloMe) did not fully target the consumer market. then the tracking webcam will know it’s time to track and record me, send me to you, and I will see you in my space at the same time and vice versa.”The founder says Beem has a prototype of an AR glasses experience which it’s working on for a set of AR glasses, developed by an undisclosed FAANG company and major chip supplier.