American Manganese Receives Additional Advisory Services And Funding To Advance Demonstration Plant Project
American Manganese Receives Additional Advisory Services And Funding To Advance Demonstration Plant Project
01/05/22, 4:00 AM
American Manganese Inc. ("AMY" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it is receiving additional advisory services and funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) to support its research and development project, entitled, ‘Demonstration of Continuous Recycling of Cathode Material from Lithium-ion Battery Production Scrap', which started in August 2021. The amendment expands existing support American Manganese is receiving from NRC IRAP, as announced in the Company's August 13, 2021 news release.
Company Info
surrey, british columbia, canada
Additional Info
American Manganese Inc. is a critical metals company focused on recycling and upcycling lithium-ion battery waste into high-value battery cathode materials, using its closed-loop RecycLiCoTM process. With minimal processing steps and over 99% extraction of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, the upcycling process creates valuable lithium-ion battery materials for direct integration into the re-manufacturing of new lithium-ion batteries.
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